Ottershaw & West Addlestone
Residents Association
Representing all residents in our ward.
Ottershaw I West Addlestone I Residents Association I OWARA
To identify the needs and concerns and to seek and secure solutions wherever possible, for residents in the Ottershaw ward (“the Ward”), which comprises of Ottershaw and West Addlestone.
Pursue and improve accountability and transparency within Runnymede Borough Council (“RBC”) and Surrey County Council (“SCC”).
To seek to enhance the environment, green spaces, amenity, sustainability and economic viability within the Ward.
Identify and support the election of the Ward and surrey county independent and like-minded councillors whom will act autonomously outside of any registered political party.
Membership is open to any resident within the Ward. (Members)
Associate Membership is open to residents outside of the Ward. (Associates)
Members may attend and vote during an AGM
Associate members may attend an AGM but do not have voting rights.
Elected Councillors may be admitted as non-fee paying ‘Honorary Members’,
Members and Associate Members pay an annual household membership fee of £5.
The membership year runs to 30th June, with renewal due on 1st July.
The Membership Secretary shall maintain a list of all Members and Associates and be the “Data Owner”.
The ‘Executive Committee’ will be elected during the AGM.
Executive Committee meetings, the AGM and EGM require a quorum of 3 Executive Committee Members.
Code of Conduct
OWARA maintains a zero tolerance of any form of discrimination including race, gender, religion, sexuality or age.
Whilst members are free to support any political party at a national level (or be a member of a political party), all discussions within OWAIRA and communication under the name of OWARA shall only focus on local issues.
OWARA will refrain from expressing views on political parties or councillors/candidates of political standing.
OWARA does not tolerate the misuse of social media such as for the propagation of ‘fake news’.
All member and supporter details will be maintained securely and comply with Data Protection and GDPR guidelines.
During discussions on any relevant topic members are required to declare any conflict of interest.
Funds will be raised from membership fees and donations from supporters.
The annual household membership fee shall be agreed and voted upon during the AGM.
All funds will be managed within an OWARA Treasury Account.
OWARA funds shall not be used for supporting election campaigns.
The Treasurer will present a detailed annual review of the accounts at the AGM or upon request of any member.
In the event of dissolution of OWARA, remaining funds will be disbursed to like-minded residents’ organisations and/or registered charities within the ward.
Changes to the Constitution
Changes to the Constitution may be proposed and acted upon by majority vote of the full Executive Committee, subject to ratification by a majority vote of Members at a subsequent AGM or EGM.