Ottershaw East, Brox Road
Richborough Estates (Land Promoters) have put out ‘feelers’ in the Village seeking comment before they make a formal Planning Application. Their ‘vision’ can be seen at www.ottershaweast.co.uk
The site is already allocated by RBC in the Local Plan adopted in 2019 for ‘a minimum of 200 dwellings plus 2 pitches for Gypsy/Travellers’. This is approved by RBC in the Local Plan which was developed largely before OWAIRA and the Neighbourhood Forum came into being.
We cannot contest this allocation now but look to the future and bring strong influence to bear on the next local plan which is being developed by RBC now for finalisation in 2024/25.
The time to consider detailed comments and objections for Ottershaw East will be when the outline and/or detailed Planning application is submitted for Ottershaw East. OWAIRA will alert you at that time and give you some detailed pointers on what valid influences may be.
For now you are encouraged to respond to Richborough. Their email address is ottershaweast@turley.co.uk Points that you may wish to highlight are:
1. The site is smaller in size than that allocated by RBC for a minimum of 200 dwellings. The number of dwellings now should be less than 170 on the smaller site.
2. The density and scale of the buildings should reflect the character and nature of the Village and neighbourhood. Three Storey dwellings are not appropriate
3. The parking provisions should reflect the nature of the location as a commuter village with very poor public transport connections. Normal parking standards should be increased in this location.
4. The Gypsy /traveller sites should be relocated nearer to existing traveller sites and not dotted amongst regular residential development or be better located on this site to diminish effect on adjoining property.
5. Measures are required to minimise traffic effect on the already congested local roads. Including pedestrian crossings and speed reduction, in the interests of safety.
6. The retention of all existing trees and hedgerows to help maintain and improve wildlife habitats and the rural aspect of the Area.
7. House designs should reflect the attractive characteristics of traditional Ottershaw buildings in their features, material types and colours.
To be kept ‘in the loop, please ensure that you join OWAIRA via www.owaira.com and the Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum at www.ottershawforum.com , and particularly respond to imminent surveys to be sent to you to make your views about what you would like Ottershaw to be and look like over the next 15 -20 years.
FYI, we refer you to the Richborough flyer which some of us received recently. Please respond – even if you think you may have missed the ‘deadline’. Thank you

I believe the opportunity to feedback on this closed 24th Feb. The planning consultants will be submitting planning applications within the next month.
Another attempt to destroy what little character Ottershaw retains with jam-packing of a further estate onto another of our fast-disappearing green-field sites. I wonder which comedian inspired the idea of adding two Traveller pitches? I dread to think of the consequences of that little gem. Does Ottershaw need a new surgery ? I have never seen the current one busy to overflowing.