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UPDATE - Pedestrian Crossing and Road Safety

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

OWAIRA’s 2019 survey highlighted many residents’ concerns about:

· Speeding traffic.

· Inconsiderate and dangerous on-street parking.

· Lack of a pedestrian crossing for schoolchildren and all pedestrians to local schools and the doctors’ surgery.

In response, members of OWAIRA, headed by Mike Freshney, made representations to Surrey County Council Highways, who have the authority and responsibility for each of these matters. (NOTE: Runnymede BC is not the Highways Authority)

Updates on progress on each matter will be posted on the OWAIRA Web Site.

Pedestrian Crossing – junction of Slade Road with Brox Road and Bousley Rise.

There is no ‘safe’ crossing island on Slade Road, where a school crossing warden operated up to about 2 years ago. They have not been replaced and there are no plans (or money) to do so. This is a busy junction and crossing, not only for the school but also for residents accessing Bousley Rise, Fletcher Road and Close and the Doctors’ surgery.

We requested that Surrey County Highways install a pedestrian crossing. They initially indicated that there was a suitable safety case for doing so, but the cost would be more than £120k and no funds were available. Subsequent representations made resulted in a meeting being held on site on Wednesday 5 May 2021 between 8.00am and 9.15am by Surrey CC Highways, with their Road Safety and Safety Travel Team and the Surrey Police Road Safety and Traffic Management Officer. Notably they failed to invite either we, who have first-hand experience of the danger at the junction and who have raised the concern, or the Headmistress who voiced her strong support.

Their conclusion is that “there are only a relatively small number of pedestrians who cross Slade Road and did not appear to encounter any difficulty crossing”. “From observations it would be difficult to justify the introduction of a crossing…”. Various other obstacles were stated to ‘kill’ the idea and no constructive proposals were suggested. So, we appear to have to wait for someone to be seriously injured or killed, to warrant another a review.

Our Local Runnymede Borough Councillors Malcolm Cressey, John Olorenshaw and Carl Mann and the newly elected Surrey County Councillor, Jonathon Hulley made strong positive representations on behalf of the Community, but to no avail.

If you consider this to be a matter of concern, and wish to add your support to the proposal, please e-mail Mike Freshney, via

Updates on proposals and progress on Speeding and Parking will follow.

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